About Electrical Department
    Harnessing electrical energy is the challenge for electrical engineers.
The power packed EEE department inspires the budding Electrical Engineers with the potent idea of constructing Generating Stations, Transmission Lines and Distribution Systems at economic rates and to design, test and supervise the manufacture of Electrical and Electronic equipment.
Electrical and Electronic equipment used in electrical utilities, buildings, automobiles, air-crafts, radar, navigation system and broadcast and communication systems.
The primary objective of the department has been to impart quality education, training and research to the students, in various areas of Electrical Engineering.
The department is honoured to have well qualified, experienced faculties and an equally enthusiastic technical team.
The major areas of faculty expertise of the department include,Electrical Machines and Drives, Power Electronics, Semiconductor Devices, Power System.
The course duration 3 years. There are 60 seats per intake in our college.