About Computer Department
        The mission of the Computer Engineering is to train its students to be multilingual, have good communication skills, ready for team work, and qualified to undertake roles in future projects designed for the benefit of the society.
Prepare our students for lifelong personal and professional development and that enable them to exercise leadership and make lasting contributions in their disciplines.
The course duration 3 years. There are 60 seats per intake in our college.
    To achieve excellence by providing value-based education in computer engineering through innovation, team work and ethical practices.
- To produce graduates according to the need of industry, government, society and scientific community and to develop partnership with industries for knowledge sharing and overall development of faculties and students.
- Providing domain knowledge through qualified, experienced and trained faculties in healthy environment.
- To prepare computer engineers capable of implementing professionally valued solutions.
Program Educational Objectives (PEO's):
PEO1: Provide solutions for well-defined Computer related problems with professional ethics.
PEO2: Be an entrepreneur to provide solutions for problems related to Computer and allied domains
PEO3: Capable of adapting to new technologies and constantly upgrade their skills with an attitude towards lifelong learning.
PEO4: Pursue higher education in Computer Engineering
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO's):
PSO1: Computer Software and Hardware Usage: Use modern technologies for operation and application of computer software and hardware.
PSO2: Computer Engineering Maintenance: Maintain computer engineering related software and hardware systems.